“Remembering Pete Frates, Preparing for the Holidays, and A Moment With Jan…”

For December we’re focusing on how we celebrate the holidays and support those living with ALS. We connected with Anne Supplee, our in-house expert, to discuss family gatherings and how to communicate with loved ones. We also continue our recurring segment “A Moment With…” This time we took some time with the Nepsund family from Osseo, MN. Jan was diagnosed with ALS in June of 2018, and she and her daughter in-law, Dawn, talked about the importance of their family holiday gatherings and what it’s been like to transition responsibilities as Jan has needed more help. Laura Winterstein wraps up this episode by talking with us about the resource ALS Care Connection and how it can help families living with ALS. 

The beginning of the podcast features a brief remembrance of Pete Frates, who died this week, seven years after his ALS diagnosis. Chapter Executive Director, Jennifer Hjelle, touched on the massive impact Pete had on the ALS community. Read more about his life and legacy at https://alsadotorg.wordpress.com/2019/12/09/remembering-pete-frates-co-founder-of-the-als-ice-bucket-challenge/

For more information about ALS Care Connection visit: https://alsa.lotsahelpinghands.com/

Find a transcript of this episode soon on Tumblr.

This episode was produced by Garrett Tiedemann and is brought to you by the Connectivity Center at the ALS Association MN/ND/SD Chapter.