“How the ALS Community Continues to Advocate During the COVID-19 Pandemic…”

Welcome to Connecting ALS, your weekly podcast from The ALS Association. This episode shines a spotlight on the public policy priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how our ALS community is advocating amid extreme social distancing.

In this episode, Mike and Jeremy are joined by Kathleen Sheehan, vice president of public policy at The ALS Association, and Ashley Smith, associate director of grassroots advocacy at the Association. Kathleen and Ashley take us through digital advocacy efforts and the key public policy priorities being pursued as part of COVID-19 response legislation. 

To learn about The ALS Association’s public policy priorities, visit http://www.alsa.org/advocacy/Public-Policy-Priorities.html.

To become an advocate, visit https://alsa.quorum.us/register/

To read up on the changes to telehealth access discussed in this episode, visit https://alsa.quorum.us/register/

For the Facebook Q&A Jeremy mentions visit: https://alsadotorg.wordpress.com/2020/03/23/questions-and-answers-about-covid-19-and-its-impact-on-people-with-als/

Find a transcript of this episode soon on Tumblr.

This episode was produced by Garrett Tiedemann and is brought to you by The ALS Association’s national office and the Association’s Minnesota/North Dakota/South Dakota Chapter