“Helping People Live Longer and Stronger With ALS…”

In this episode Mike and Jeremy are joined by Dr. Neil Thakur, Executive Vice President of Mission Strategy at The ALS Association, and Mark Calmes, Vice Chair of The ALS Association’s Board of Trustees, for updates on helping people living with ALS and their caregivers live longer, better lives. For resources available to people with ALS and caregivers,  visit http://www.alsa.org/als-care/.


For more information about the Jane Calmes ALS Scholarship Fund that Neil mentions in the interview please visit: http://www.alsa.org/fight-als/calmes-als-scholarship-fund/

For more information on our guests and further resource guides please visit the following links: 

Neil’s bio: http://www.alsa.org/about-us/leadership/national-staff/neil-thakur.html

Mark’s bio: http://www.alsa.org/about-us/leadership/board-of-trustees/mark-calmes.html

Living with ALS Resource Guides: http://www.alsa.org/als-care/resources/publications-videos/resource-guides/

Families and ALS Resource Guides: http://www.alsa.org/als-care/resources/publications-videos/families-and-als-resource-guide/

Find a transcript of this episode on Tumblr.

This episode was produced by Garrett Tiedemann and is brought to you by The ALS Association’s national office and the Association’s Minnesota/North Dakota/South Dakota Chapter.